Wednesday, 19 June 2013

re-call my past

While I re-opened my videos folder. I found this one.

got this picture from DEAD COUNTESS OF CARPATHIA
(cih, the video has been under of vevo ==")

It made me shocked! (laugh) *suddenly I remember Krauser II

It’s like, “whoaahhhh… what kind of person I’m couple years ago?”
Can you imagine what am I look like at that years?

And now when compare to my new idol, it just make me laugh ever more ^0^

(the new one)

 (i prefer Mr. Marilyn Manson when he is younger)

What do you think? Hahaha.. it’s 180o different!

I wonder, what actually happened with me, how could I turned from “marilyn manson” into “on/off”
(LOL) *actually, how could i fall into Marilyn Manson then Sakamoto Naoya =="

I still can’t believe my own eyes, hoaaahhhhh…. How amazingly environment could turn a person personality. I’d never thought before, somebody could colour me. Do I've thank to my koibito for turned me into “this”? (LOL)

I’d still speechless.

But, when I re-call my memories back then. Yahh.. I used to listen to that kind of music; alternative rock, metal, symphony metal, paganism folk, etc etc. Hah…

Something that still lies within me only Dir en Grey.

It’s not that different from Marilyn Manson, ano Kyo Dir en Grey. They just look like a brother. *what the hell???!!

I’ll shock more if I re-opened my files from my previous computer. I’d still remember what I put into my harddisk. Old song from Avenged Sevenfold when the vocalist still able to growl, Within Temptation, something like SOD, then sum41, Blink, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, I’m afraid there’re some from Disturbed too.

What else?? Ost Naruto, Cradle of Filth, I am Ghost. Then I forget ==” it’s just too much.

But there’re also classical music from Mozart, Beethoven, and Vivaldi. Also Tchaikovsky?? His name is too hard to spell ==”

Maa.. Past is a gigantic memories to remind us “we ever lived” right?

Demo, I'd still think that Marilyn Manson is sexy. *what that mean "sexy" !!!!!!!!!!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha..... (LOL)

what now? still a human: momo✩

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